Sunday, July 17, 2016

[Inspiration | Musing] Wish You Were My Music

Why fragments of dreams are so hard to capture when memories flood your heart so involuntarily? Emptiness, the mind wanders, thoughts drift away, emotions appear randomly, which makes it the more harder to comprehend. Only the flow of black ink gradually fills the clear white paper. Music lubricates the mind and senses. It feeds the soul with poisonous but addictive pleasure, yet music seems the only key to the sunlight of feelings - good, meaningful emotions, buried deep within myself, waiting to be lifted, little by little.

The urge to rekindle that one single illusion of passion is utterly futile and pointless, I realised. Today is not exactly the day, memories haunt when spaces are left unguarded. Being mischievous out of the blue makes you a little light headed, as it did to me. 

I am music, therefore I am happiness now. 

Written on 24th April, 2006, Monday, 1:50am

Visual via Koogle TV here

With love, 


  1. ohh ! what a beautiful image and the music is perfect dear Jeann, I adore music, makes so happy and specially in the morning it powers me up!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Glamoury Armory Blog

    1. Indeed dearie. Music is my life and always gives me the inspiration to write much better ☺️

      Lovely to see you here again! Miss you so much! Am glad you love the song

  2. Your writing is so deep and mysterious Jeann - it's fascinating to read! Music certainly does have the ability to 'take control' if you're in the right mood, and I'm glad to know you've discovering such inspiration in music right now. Have an amazing week ahead.. :)

    1. Awww thanks thanks Gabrielle. Yes music had be spell bounded, every time *_^

  3. Short but so sweet and meaningful, Jeann. Seriously, your writing has never ceased to amaze it, it's always so eloquent, articulate and it flows beautifully. xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Aaawww thanks so much my friend, I hope people understand whenever I write like this ... Haha and not thinking that I am a nut case *_^ which I myself believe I am, on some days ...


Thanks so much for dropping by and say hi. Love to hear your thoughts and will read them all! See you again *_^