Monday, November 13, 2023

[Review] Whitening Booster Serum with Green Tea Polyphenols by Novexpert Paris

This is not our first-time experience with this French cosmeceuticals professional skincare brand called Novexpert Paris (here for more). In fact, we have tried out their other booster serum previously from the Vitamin C range, aptly called the Booster Serum with Vitamin C (here for more). This time around, we had a chance to give their green tea infused serum a go - Whitening Booster Serum with Green Tea Polyphenols, one that delivers anti-dark spot effectiveness. It contains EGCG, the most powerful antioxidant in green tea, up to 96% fewer dark spots in less than 2 months! Really excited about that. Here to share some of our thoughts with you.

First, a quick re-cap of the brand, for those who are new to it. Clean or effective? We all tend to wonder but at Novexpert, they have decided from the very get go, NOT to choose as they strongly believe in having both - pioneers of clean beauty with conviction, that's what we love about the brand. Do you know that skincare ingredients are found in our blood and even in mother's breast milk?! No one knows, but the studies are unanimous: we are all polluted. This is why the Novexpert charter excludes more than 1,600 controversial or synthetic ingredients from their 100% natural origin formulas. This radical requirement is the core of their beliefs. 

Since 2008, clean skincare formulated by doctors. 100% natural origin

  • Safe for pregnancy & breastfeeding
  • Vegan & Ecocert certified
  • High concentration of active ingredients 
  • Hypoallergenic 0% allergens
  • Made in France

Effective skincare products inspired by the secret of Okinawa. Cyrille Tellinge, the founder of Novexpert, discovered during his travels that the legend of Okinawa was true. This Japanese island holds the highest numbers of centenarians. Its secret? The islanders have a robust activation of "youth gene" that slows down cell aging. This led to the discovery of Novaxyline, an ingredient that is capable of reactivating our skin's youth gene, which Cyrille and the Novexpert doctors then file an exclusive patent on. 

At Novexpert, their doctors and researchers direct the brand. Giving power back to those who create the products and not to those who market them, changes everything. Their motto? Fewer promises, more evidence. 

Now, back to our Whitening Booster Serum with Polyphenols. What does this little small bottle of wonders do? But before we dive in further, perhaps it helps to understand more about Polyphenols first.

Polyphenols promote a radiant complexion and combat aging. How so? As they are the antioxidant active ingredients par excellence, limiting oxidation by neutralising the free radicals that attack our skin cells. Some of them also act to prevent and correct hyperpigmentation, i.e. brown spots. All right, more on this later. 

We received a lovely package consisting of the Novexpert Whitening Booster Serum with Green Tea Polyphenols, a brochure with product info and a little thoughtful handwritten note. Like the previous serum, this Whitening Booster Serum comes in a sturdy glass bottle, beautiful frosty white with light green accent colour with a pump head. Nothing to fuss about, simple and elegantly packaged, that's what we love about packaging. 

Whitening Booster Serum with Green Tea Polyphenols | 30ml for MYR319

At Novexpert, they have selected EGCG (EpiGallactoCatechine Gallate), quite a mouthful *_^, the green tea polyphenol with the highest antioxidant power to not only prevent but correct pigmentation by reducing the activity of tyrosinase (the molecule that manufactures the pigment at the origin of dark spots: melanin). EGCG is water-insoluble and highly unstable molecule in nature, which is why the team have chosen an EGCG that is 30 times more soluble and 200% more stable thanks to a plant extract, so that the skin can enjoy all its benefits it has to offer. 

The serum is milky off-white in colour, with very minimal smell, it just smells all natural. The texture is little runny and buttery smooth, glides on the skin very easily and fairly fast absorbed into our skin too. The user experience is definitely an exquisite one. One can tell it is made out of commitment and devotion towards science. We did notice that we emptied the bottle quite fast though, within 3 weeks of daily usage, morning and night with two pumps on our palm and lathered it all over our face and brought down to the neck. 

As for the results and efficacy, we do notice an overall brightness to our skin but in terms of specific dark spot areas, it managed to fade ever so slightly, not hugely significant with a major one or two shades lightened. We believe like any other wonder potion of skincare, one needs to give it a go for a much longer period to see the full effects on the skin, especially stubborn dark spots like ours due to aging and hormonal changes. 

Having said that, we truly enjoyed the experience of using this cutting-edge skincare product. A huge thanks to Novexpert Malaysia for the opportunity to put this to the test. More about this lovely serum here

Till our next skincare venture, stay safe during this rainy season as we have been getting heavy down pours of late, from where we are! 

With love, 


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